The BBCM Foundation is very pleased to announce that the Main Event of the 2018 Black & Blue Festival will be held at MTELUS (formerly known as Club Metropolis) on Sunday October 7 during Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend. The infamous electronic dance-music marathon party will feature international DJ’s, performers and a multitude of artistic performances.
La Fondation BBCM a le grand plaisir d’annoncer que l’événement principal du Festival Black & Blue 2018 (le dimanche 7 octobre pendant le weekend de l’Action de Grâce canadienne) aura lieu au Métropolis (maintenant connu sous le nom de MTELUS) sous la forme d’un marathon de danse de musique électronique avec des DJs vedettes internationales et locales, des spectacles et de l’animation.
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Coronavirus/COVID19: We will try our best to keep this calendar up to date, but please check with event organisers before travelling, and follow local health advice. If you have travelled to an affected area recently, or are feeling ill - even a cold - please be responsible, consider the risk to others, and avoid attending events.