The London Leather Social is a friendly relaxed event at Comptons. No dress code necessary. Just come along and meet other guys in a relaxed and friendly environment on the first Sunday of each month, from 4pm until closing.
Capacity in the upstairs bar is limited to 80, on a first-come, first-served basis.
More info: BLKaiser (Mr Leather London 2024) (802)
Comptons, Old Compton Street, London W1
Clear, 3.13 m/sec, 2% cloud
Expect a day of partly cloudy with clear spells
Leather Social (Leather Social)
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Coronavirus/COVID19: We will try our best to keep this calendar up to date, but please check with event organisers before travelling, and follow local health advice. If you have travelled to an affected area recently, or are feeling ill - even a cold - please be responsible, consider the risk to others, and avoid attending events.