Atlanta BLUF gear & cigar social

Tuesday 30 July, 20:00

Get in your gear for a laid back social for members of the BLUF Atlanta and those who enjoy leather uniform culture.

Gear/uniform encouraged, be weather smart and know that it gets hot in the south so be prepared to shed a layer if you feel uncomfortable. Enjoy line dancing and Kink Blackjack


Atlanta Eagle, 1492 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, USA



Rain, 3.67 m/sec, 51% cloud

Expect a day of partly cloudy with rain

  • Day: 32.5°C
  • Evening: 32.2°C
  • Night: 29.0°C
  • Humidity: 53%

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This is an official BLUF event. BLUF events are organised by volunteers around the world. You can find our official guidelines at

Coronavirus/COVID19: We will try our best to keep this calendar up to date, but please check with event organisers before travelling, and follow local health advice. If you have travelled to an affected area recently, or are feeling ill - even a cold - please be responsible, consider the risk to others, and avoid attending events.

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