ONYX is an organization formed and operated by Men of Color who enjoy the leather lifestyle. ONYX sets as its goal, to provide an informational and social organization to address issues specific to people of color who chose to project the positive aspects of the leather lifestyle and support our community and economic initiatives.
Support, spirituality, safety and saneness are keys to attaining our goals. Toward this end, it is the principle aim of ONYX to develop in its members the highest standards of loyalty to the laws and established code of ONYX and to treat all in society with honor, unselfishness and tolerance.
It is the responsibility of each member to uphold the traditions,standards and practices of this organization as well as the time honored principles of democracy on which this country was built.
It is the fundamental belief of this organization that no finer means is offered for the achievement of these aims than the brotherly association of persons with similar tastes, inclinations and goals.
The Midwest Chapter (ONYX/Midwest) is centered in Chicago and also includes Detroit, St Louis, Milwaukee and other cities of the Midwestern US.
ONYX was founded in 1995 to provide education, fraternization and serve as a bridge for Men of Color to the greater Leather community. Mufasa organized the founding members. The founding fathers of ONYX were: Mufasa, David M., Steve B., Nate G. and Wes G. They formed the first Board of Officers with Mufasa (president), Nate (VP), David (Pledge Master), Wes (secretary) and Steve (treasurer). ONYX’s first pledge was Bill H. and the colors were designed by ONYX brother Charles C. of Caliber Leathers.
ONYX has had a long standing reputation within the Leather Community with members nationwide and internationally. We are the longest existing Leather club for People of Color and are known for our hospitality and our infamous annual ONYX Leather Dance at International Mr. Leather Weekend in Chicago and our Cocktail party at Mid Atlantic Leather in Washington, DC. ONYX celebrates its anniversary each Columbus Day Weekend with the ONYX BlackOut Weekend Run.
ONYX has always been involved in charity work. The chapters, Midwest (based in Chicago), Southeast (based in Atlanta), Northeast (based in New York City), Mid-Atlantic (based in Washington, DC), Southwest (based in Los Angeles) and Great Lakes (based jointly in Detroit and Cleveland) are all involved in contributing back to the Leather, GLBT and People of Color communities. HIV prevention and care organizations and those that aid youth have always been of note.
All who support our cause may become members of ONYX. We thank the elders in the People of Color Leather Community for paving the way in order for us to exist. ONYX honors that tradition and looks forward to many more years.
Membership available
This club is part of The Men of ONYX Inc. (ONYX)
Information from BLUF last updated by AusTool2003 (2446) at Sat Feb 22 18:52:21 2025 UTC
The clubs in this list have been curated by BLUF members.
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